Thursday, July 31, 2008

CKC here I come!!!

Tomorrow is CKC! I can't wait. This will be my 3rd time going but the first year I'm not taking any classes. Usually I take anywhere from 11-13 classes over the weekend with some shopping time squeezed in. This year I'm only going to shop. A whole day to stroll through the vendor fair and take my time. I love taking quick quotes classes and I figured I can but the class kits and the fair. I save up all year for this event and I will be going with two friends this time. After we decided to go eat at The Cheesecake Factory. YUM! Their food is awesome.
After all this settles down my DD has her 11th birthday party on Saturday. She wanted a pink DS (which we got her along with a couple of accessories) I will get her a couple of scrapbook goodies as she is staring to create her own albums. Really cool.

I'll post later some of the goodies I get.

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