Monday, March 9, 2009

oops..been away for awhile...

Been away for awhile, just getting things done, surviving the holidays and family life. We've added another pet to our mixture--a puppy! I wanted our other dog to have a playmate so we got a Labradoodle. We named him Cody (I'll post a pic soon). Sport season starts soon--the two youngest will play baseball and the two oldest will play soccer.
I'm also planning on going back to school this summer for nursing as the current degree I have is useless. It will be back to homework mode soon!

I haven't done too much scrapping in the last 3 months--the only thing I've really worked on is the 'all about me' album I bought 2 years ago at CKC. I'm almost done the album and now am trying to complete all the info. I'm going to try to get back to posting at least once a week.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

FP submissions

Here are the LO and project I entered for the FP DT call. Maybe next time!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

School is in !!!

We finished our second week of school here and I finally have some time everyday to create! It's been extremely busy here these past 3-4 weeks. My DD found and brought home a 3 week old kitten. We had to do some research on how to take care of such a small kitten. She is now about 6 weeks old and is so very cute!
We just lost our 5 month old kitten last week and her sister 2.5 months before. We had the vet do an necropsy and they found out she had a heart defect and that nothing could have been done to save her. I believe her sister had a similar condition which lead to her death also. Hopefully we will be okay with the current kitten.

We also were babysitting my FIL 6 month old puppy for 2 weeks while they were on vacation. My golden loved having the company. Add this to all of the above with school starting and getting into the school routine and it's been a hectic few weeks!!

I've been getting into some tole painting and I've been really enjoying it! I have a couple of craft fairs coming up so hopefully these will do well. I've tried some altered art, scrapbook canvases and paper bag albums but find these don't do so well around here. I'm hoping to do better with my homemade dog biscuits and tole painting. We'll see.

Friday, August 8, 2008

My scrapbook room

Below, I've added some pictures of my work area/scraproom.


I finally finished my LO designs for the Fancy Pants DT call. I'm going to take pictures of them now and submit them--then keep my fingers crossed. I've always wanted to be on a DT for a scrapbook company! Wish me luck. I'll post pictures later when it's all over.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

CKC--a hit this year.

Ckc was definately better this year ~ 50 more vendors! I picked up some cool goodies this year. I got some Black market paper society, really awesome. The texture is different than regular paper. Something to definitely check out! I also picked up some more tattered angels glimmer mist. I've really been using some on several LOs. It coats chipboard extremely well. I also picked up a couple of BG new lines. Can't wait to use it.
I picked up a really nice 4 1/2 x 6" album kit to finally make for our dog. This will probably be one of the first projects to do. Besides a few other odds and ends I picked up 2 nice box albums from pioneer. I love using 3-ring albums like scrapworks anthologie (formerly their Bay Box albums). These, while not as thick, are very nice and sturdy albums.
Well I'm off to play with my goodies! Happy scrapping.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

CKC here I come!!!

Tomorrow is CKC! I can't wait. This will be my 3rd time going but the first year I'm not taking any classes. Usually I take anywhere from 11-13 classes over the weekend with some shopping time squeezed in. This year I'm only going to shop. A whole day to stroll through the vendor fair and take my time. I love taking quick quotes classes and I figured I can but the class kits and the fair. I save up all year for this event and I will be going with two friends this time. After we decided to go eat at The Cheesecake Factory. YUM! Their food is awesome.
After all this settles down my DD has her 11th birthday party on Saturday. She wanted a pink DS (which we got her along with a couple of accessories) I will get her a couple of scrapbook goodies as she is staring to create her own albums. Really cool.

I'll post later some of the goodies I get.
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